So I thought I'd do a review of a 'drugstore' foundation. I don't know why I refer to them as's a foundation you can get in a normal cheap-ish high street shop such as Superdrug, but thats what its referred to in american blogs, so i'm following suit. And why not?
So here is my review for Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation, in the palest shade - 71.

"16 hours perfectly glowing perfection and toned skin"
Swatch of shade 71 - a very pale yellow
Shade 71 blended
This is foundation that I use as a daily go to item. For years I refused to believe anything you could buy from Superdrug could possibly perform any goodness on my skin, but how wrong I was! This foundation is G R E A T. Seriously! It's less than a tenner, and it covers all redness (apart from a tiny bit on my ruddy cheeks) yet lets my freckles shine through. You can layer it for more coverage if needed, and it really does LAST! It doesn't seem to clog pores, and although it isn't infallible, its pretty damn impressive for a foundation that gives you such a beautiful, healthy, non greasy glow to your skin whilst covering your open pores and evening your complexion out into a nice, smooth, healthy looking base for you to apply your make up on. I don't use this to DJ, as my experience is if you're going to sweat BUCKETS, this will melt off, but what do you expect, it's a dewy foundation that works on oily skin, but it's not made of genius juice from heaven, which it would have to be to stay on skin as slick heavy as mine.
So it's a MASSIVE thumbs up from me for this foundation. I highly recommend both dry, and oily skinned ladies to give this a go. It really is fabulous for the price.